This year's giving season kicks off on November 29th with #GivingTuesday: a day dedicated to remembering the true spirit of the season and finding ways to give back to those who need it most. Join the global movement and give generously to make a real difference in...
“Way less” Confusion
I was diagnosed with level one Autism Spectrum Disorder when I was thirty-two. Since I have learned of my unique strengths and challenges living as a man with Autism I have found that I better understand why I had so many difficulties understanding things. One such...
The Balance of Opposites
I didn’t have a great family life but I was blessed with a grandfather that was an incredible man. He felt like he had to make up for what my parents lacked. He was my hero in every way. When I was thirty-two I was diagnosed as a man on the Autism Spectrum. I found...
Interview with Rina Kline
Rina Kline is a lovely mother on the Autism Spectrum, her son is a level one autistic teen and Rina’s partner is also a woman on the Autism Apectrum. Rina asked to speak with me under a condition of anonymity due to her concerns about how her community might view her...
As Sean Sees It: Juan Zapata interview
S) So when we first spoke you had mentioned to me that you being a newlywed seemed to bring up issues that led you to discover your being on the Autism Spectrum. Are you comfortable sharing what those issues were that made things come to light? J) Yes I am. Getting...
Pride Month
June is Pride Month and ASO is excited to celebrate! During this year’s Pride Month many people are asking about the relationship that people with Autism share with the L.G.B.T.Q. community. Recent studies have shown that people on the Autism Spectrum are three to six...
As Sean Sees It: Playground Challenges
I was diagnosed with level one autism late in life at the age of thirty-two. After my own diagnosis I reached out to my family because many of my siblings have similar behaviours to my own and after all was said and done it turned out that all of my siblings, my...
Raising a Child with Autism: Interview with a Parent
1.What were some of the things you noticed in Jason that prompted you to have him screened? After Jase was six months old, we began to see delays in his meeting developmental milestones. The most prominent was Jason’s limited to non-existent words. We told ourselves...
As Sean Sees It: Autistic Nutrition
I have been a martial arts coach for several years. I really got into martial arts because it appealed to me as an individual and it really helped me to manage life as a man on the Autism Spectrum. I am very hypo sensitive, my threshold for pain and discomfort are...
As Sean Sees It: Interview with a Parent: Dana
Following my interview with Ben, I had a chance to sit down with his parent Dana and get their take on parenting a child on the spectrum while being on the spectrum themselves. S) As a parent of an autistic child that discovered your own autism after your child’s...

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